Page 17 - 현대중공업 브로슈어
P. 17

01                                           03

                                                                   01  ؀ഋূ૓ 2-Stroke Marine Engine
                                                                   02  োܐҕәࢸ࠺ Fuel Gas Supply System
                                                                   03  ૕ࣗ࢑ചޛ ੷х੢஖ NoNOx System
                                                                   04  ೐۽಄ۄ Propellers
                                                                   05  ূ૓ ߊ੹ࣗ Engine Power Plant

                                                              02                                           04

 ᶾ↮ؚҮ  ূ૓ӝ҅ࢎসࠄࠗח ࣁ҅ ؀ഋূ૓द੢੄ ড    ܳ ੼ਬೞҊ ੓ח ࣁ҅ ୭؀੄ ূ૓ઁ੘ࢎ۽ࢲ ࢶ߅ਊ ূ૓ਸ ࠺܃ೞ
 ৈ ୶૓दझమ  ߅ਊ஘ജ҃ઁಿ ߂ ਭ࢚ਊ ূ૓ߊ੹ࢸ࠺ܳ ୭Ҋ ಿ૕۽ ࣁ҅ द੢ী ҕәೞҊ ੓णפ׮
 Engine & Machinery
 ઱ਃ ઁಿ ] ࢶ߅ਊ ূ૓ ߂ ӝ੗੤ h ൨ࣃ ୶૓दझమ h оझ୊ܻ੢஖ h ૕ࣗ࢑ചޛ੷х੢஖ h ਭ࢚ਊ ূ૓ߊ੹ࢸ࠺

 Accounting for 35% of the world's 2-stroke marine engine market, HHI's Engine & Machinery Division provides
 eco-friendly marine systems. The division has become the forerunner in the engine power generation system
 as well.  The engine power plants it supplied to domestic and overseas markets have consistently given superb
 Major Products |   Marine Engines & Machinery h HiMSEN Propulsion System h Fuel Gas Supply System h
             NoNOx System h Engine Power Plants

 Hyundai Heavy Industries     16                                                      17     World Technology Global Leader
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